Synthesia versions

Provides methods that teaches you how to play the piano
Dec 24, 2022
Nov 19, 2017
Sep 16, 2016
Aug 23, 2015
Jan 7, 2015
Editorial review
Dec 12, 2014
Oct 18, 2013
Sep 2, 2013
Mar 2, 2013
Dec 8, 2012
Nov 13, 2010
Editorial review
Sep 2, 2010

What's new

v10.1.0.3320 [Jan 7, 2015]
- Added Dutch language support and fixed 17 bugs!

v9.0.0.2495 [Oct 18, 2013]
- Multiple languages! Choose between English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, and Traditional Chinese.
- Change Synthesia's window size anytime you like.
- Press Alt-Enter to toggle full-screen mode on any monitor.
- Support for the Synthesia Music Store.

v8.6.0.2371 [Sep 2, 2013]
- Lots of metadata support for the upcoming song store.
- Add your own background image using the configuration tool.
- Click the score box to hide it.
- The "Scale Number" label mode is back.
- Over a dozen more bug fixes and improvements.

v8.5.0.2283 [Mar 2, 2013]
It containing 21 bug fixes and an easier way to enter Learning Pack keys.

v8.4.0.2242 [Dec 8, 2012]
--Completely new keyboard graphics! Remastered falling-note graphics, too.
--The old, single "Played by Synthesia, Notes Muted" style setting for an instrument has been broken up into independently controllable components: Played by Me/Synthesia, Shown/Hidden, and Sounded/Muted. This allows for two modes not previously available: me|hidden|sounded and me|hidden|muted.
--Change the color theme via the settings screen.
--Summary play statistics have been added to the profiles section of the settings screen for each user profile.
--An "All Songs (grouped by folder)" entry in the song library will help users take advantage of their meticulously organized MIDI folders.
--The "Background Instruments" and "The Other Hand" items in the Songs section of the Settings screen will control how the parts that you don't elect to play (via the simple song view) will be handled.
--Synthesia will now prompt you before leaving a song early if you've already
earned points. (Control with advanced "Gameplay.ConfirmEarlyExit" option.)
--Track colors for left/right/both hands are now set automatically. The left hand is always blue. Right/both is always green. Disabling the Gameplay.SimpleReplaceColors setting in the config tool will prevent this.
--Gameplay.AutoShiftToBestOctave advanced setting can now be disabled to suppress the smart octave shift behavior whenever you change song settings.
--A "Notation.ShowUserNotes" advanced setting to hide user sheet music notes.
--Drag-pan the paused song, shimmy the keyboard when zoomed in or scroll through the song list. Best when used with touch-screens. Disable using the "System.DragPanning" advanced option.
--Error count is now reset if you rewind to the very beginning of song.
--Double-click in falling note area to pause or resume the song.
--The song list now scrolls smoothly instead of going page by page.
--Increased the window of time given to hit a note correctly.
--Input is now echoed to output devices on every screen (though the software keyboard only works in the Music Devices section of Settings and Play).
--The on-screen keyboard now shows user input, even while paused.
--Middle-C note marker has been replaced with every-octave labels on C.
--Shortcuts can now have eight bindings, up from three.
--The "Do Nothing" choice for the "Notes Outside My Range" setting has been removed. The default is now "Play them for me".
--The percussion icon option is now tri-state: always shown, only when playing percussion, or never shown.
--Removed "Keyboard Height" setting. Small keyboard ranges now always have their height limited.
--Flattened the included song groups in the song library a little.
--Hard resets are now disabled by default.
--Metronome is now disabled by default.
--Removed song library flags.
--The "First Pieces" in the G Major Music Theory set no longer count as Learning Pack demo songs. (Reverted from 0.8.3.)
--Dropped the leading "0." part of the version number.
--Touch-screens should no longer require two taps to "click" buttons.
--Hang when zoom to "Visible Song Notes" in songs with any C0, C#0, or D0.
--Strange control characters could make text boxes behave strangely.
--The FPS display is now larger and easier to read against busy backgrounds.
--Finger hints can no longer be added to notes on hidden tracks.

v0.8.3.1732 [Nov 13, 2010]
Add finger number hints to your songs in a single click.
Finger hints included for all 100 built-in songs.
Simplified track settings let you jump in fast.
Improved library searching to find your favorite songs quicker.
Many improvements in MIDI, device, and computer compatibility.
Tons of tweaks and fixes.

Alternative downloads

Crescendo Music Notation Editor
Crescendo Music Notation Editor

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intelliScore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI Converter
intelliScore Ensemble MP3

Excellent simple program to create accurate MIDI renditions of MP3 audio files.

PlayPerfect Music Practice Software
PlayPerfect Music Practice

It allows you to practice, learn and improve playing your musical instrument.

YGS Virtual Piano
YGS Virtual Piano

This is a handy and simple virtual piano for your computer.

Notation Composer
Notation Composer

Records notes just by playing MIDI instruments or inserts notes.
