Synthesia, formerly known as "Piano Hero", is a game that was designed to help you learn how to play the piano or just practice you skills.
The game requires that you press the right notes at the right time. For that, you are provided with a virtual keyboard to use and falling notes generated by the application by reading a MIDI file, which show you what keys you need to press. Only a limited range of the piano keyboard will be available at a certain moment (given the limitations of the PC keyboard), but you can opt for switching the range yourself or for the utility to play notes outside of your keyboard range. MIDI markers can be imported as song bookmarks.
A list of 46 song choices is offered, from classical music songs to children songs. After each practice with a song, you are returned a score. Along with the score, you are shown the number of typing errors that you have made and the date of the play, so that you can follow your evolution in time. Using MIDI cables, an adapter or the USB input you can connect your piano to your computer and be returned scores for your playing.
Synthesia is a utility that can help you improve your speed in playing the piano, however it will not replace practice with a real piano. A good thing is that you can connect your piano to your computer and play. Even if you are not into playing the piano, the game can be a fun one and help you develop your reflexes.
Het programma kunt u voor het maken, opslaan en afdrukken van uw muziek composities.
Excellent simple program to create accurate MIDI renditions of MP3 audio files.
It allows you to practice, learn and improve playing your musical instrument.
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